The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 694: Morgan A

The bell tolls for thee, Morgan. The fated hour is upon us. I ready my true ultimate move...

Actually, can you hold that thought for just a minute, Owain?

Craven! You would flee from this sacred duel?!

No, no, I'm all set to go. I just thought I'd go invite some of the others, too.

The... others?

Sure! Games like these are best in groups. The more the merrier, right?

...A game? A GAME?! You dare insult the sacred affairs of the fated hour?! You dare compare our battle to the capering of fools upon a gilded stage?!

No! I have nothing but respect for it! It always picks me up on slow days.

That is so not the point, Morgan!

It isn't? I don't understand.

Oh, forget it. Just...forget it. And besides, the others wouldn't come anyway. They all treat me like an idiot when I make up moves.

I've certainly never heard anyone say anything.

Trust me. They think I'm just a big kid. That's why I chose you as my rival. You take me seriously!

Owain, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect by it.

No, it's fine. I know I'm pathetic. Just forget I said anything, all right?

I don't think so.

What? Why not?

Because it makes me happy to hear you speak from the heart. We may be eternal rivals, but we're friends first and last. You can tell me anything!

You... You mean that?

Of course! If I can withstand your Nephenee's Lance attack, I think I can handle your feelings.

I still call no fair on that. I totally had you.

Ha ha! You're dreaming. You've always been a dreamer, Owain. Everybody loves that about you. And they respect you for marching to the beat of you own drum.

I guess so.

Well, I know so, friend. So have some confidence!

All right. I will! Thanks, Morgan. So, uh... Do you think we could still...

The code of the Justice Cabal demands no less. Our rivalry is undying! Now help me come up with some new moves!

You get it!